Tuesday, May 3, 2016

PSFK 2017 Forecast

PSFK 2017 Forecast: How New Tech Will Become Your Intimate Partner

A companion knows us so intimately and can successfully predict our desires and anticipate our needs before we announce them; they remember when we forget, know how we feel before we do, read our body 

language and offer solutions before a problem arises, reminding us to regain our balance and footing. We learn in PSFK’s 2017 Forecast report that today, technology can passively navigate our daily routines for us. Smart devices restock coffee beans before they run out, alert us when our dry cleaning is ready, order an Uber ride in anticipation of an appointment, if we so choose to welcome them into our life.

In consequence of this incredibly intimate technology, advanced enough to support us when needed, the social landscape has shifted dramatically. Glimpsing into the future, we can look around our connected homes at a slew of incredibly intelligent and autonomous machines performing services that help us better understand our built environment and steer us towards greater efficiencies. We’re at a time when our home thermostat can check the weather app to appropriately set itself, and eventually, this type of cognitive technology will apply to an entire ecosystem of products which all talk to one another.

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